Pelajaran 12 - WH Question


WH- Questions

Apa WH- Questions itu?
WH- questions - juga disebut sebagai question words. Disebut WH- Question karena kata tanya ini diawali dengan WH-, sebagai berikut:

Kalimat Tanya yang terbentuk dengan kata tanya ini disebut open question atau informative question karena pertanyaan ini membutuhkan informasi sebagai jawabannya.

Informative Question:

Who is your English teacher?

Who helped you to finish the job?

Whom did you see?

Whom will you invite?

Whose pen is that on the table?

What is the man’s name?

What did you eat for breakfast?

Where does the lady come from?

Where will you go on holiday?

When will you graduate from your school?

Which do you like coffee or tea?

Which is your hat?

Why is Mary sad?

Why did you come late yesterday?

How are you?

How did John go to his office?

Informative question lainnya

How often 
Seberapa sering

How often - digunakan untuk menunjukan intensitas dari kebiasaan seseorang atau sesuatu. Contoh:

How often do you go shopping? 

How often do you eat fruits?

How often does your friend see you? 

How far (seberapa jauh)

How far digunakan untuk menanyakan seberapa jauh jarak yang ditempuh.
Contoh Kalimat:

How long does it take from Jakarta to Jogjakarta by train?

How far do you understand the lesson?

How do you love me?

How many (seberapa banyak)
How many digunakan untuk menanyakan seberapa banyak jumlah dari sesuatu yang bisa dihitung (countable noun).
Contoh Kalimat :

How many rabbits are there in the cage?

How many times do you clean your toilet in a month?

How many brothers do you have?

How many red clothes do you have?

How much (seberapa banyak)
How much digunakan untuk menanyakan jumlah dari sesuatu yang tidak bisa dihitung (uncountable noun). Contoh Kalimat:

How much money do you have? 

How much sugar so you need? 

How much stars are there in the sky?

How much salt do we have in the kitchen? 

How long (seberapa lama)
How long digunakan untuk menanyakan durasi dari waktu.
Contoh Kalimat:

How long do you go to school? 

How did you go to work yesterday?

How long did the football match last?

How old (berapa usia)
How old digunakan untuk menanyakan usia seseorang atau benda.
Contoh Kalimat: 

How old is your father? 

How old is your grandfather?

How old is your mother? 

How old is your house?